Publishing: Národní divadlo
Published: 2007


Publishing: Garamond
Published: 2006

Bernard Emond: Rue Darling 20,17.

Publishing: Divadlo komedie
Published: 2004

Patrick Grégoire: L´imbécile. Theatre play. Translated in collaboration with Marek Matějka.

Publishing: Gramofonové závody Loděnice
Published: 1998


Publishing: Cuibar
Published: 2003

Antonín Dvořák: Love songs. Translation in french for José Cura /CD 2003, The Centenary Tribute Collection/.

Publishing: Communauté Wallonie-Bruxelles
Published: 2001

12 J. Brel´s songs translated for the big exposition about his life and art /Prague 2001/.

Publishing: Národní filmový archiv
Published: 2000

Gilles Deleuze: L´image - mouvement.

Publishing: M-Konzult
Published: 1997

Colette le Bour´his: Une passante a Malá Strana. Young french novelists describes her visit in Prague soon after 1989.

Publishing: Divadlo v Dlouhé
Published: 1997

12 famous B. Vian´s songs translated for the theatre Divadlo v Dlouhé /"Kabaret Vian-Cami/.

Publishing: Lotos
Published: 1996

15 famous songs translated for CD "Nelituj" /singer: Světlana Nálepková/

Publishing: Národní filmový archiv
Published: 1995

Jean-Claude Carriere: Raconter une histoire + Voyage a Bruxelles. Translation: Jiří Dědeček and Tereza Brdečková.

Publishing: Panton
Published: 1988

Choice of 50 lyrics; some of them see: discography, EP Špatná pověst and CD Žalozpěv pro lehký holky.

Publishing: Sekce mladé hudby
Published: 1983

His biography and choice of lyrics.

Publishing: Slovensko-český klub
Published: 2010


Publishing: MAA
Published: 2014